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Kabbalah, Learning To Receive replay Oct 11-Kabbalah 6-6:30pm pst

Check Out Spirituality Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with BGE RADIO powered by BLOGTALK on BlogTalkRadio
San Diego Kabbalah group leaders Arnie Levine and Stephen Ezakovich joins @bge_radio to introduce their new show "Kabbalah, Learning to Receive".Kabbalah teaches that we all want to enjoy. Kabbalists call this desire “the will to receive delight and pleasure,” or simply, “the will to receive.” This desire propels all of our actions, thoughts, and feelings, and Kabbalah depicts how we can realize our desires and fulfill our wishes. Ref: Laitman, “Kabbalah for the student”This week’s inquiry will be seeing that which is before your eyes, like movies such as Noah or Matrix. For what you see is what you believe in, that it has meaning, for this is what you are told. For hidden within you is another interpretation that will allow you to ascend to another level of understanding.From the movie Matrix. "You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes."As we say: the sheep love (comfort) their Shepherd (world), but there is always one that wants to know what’s out that gate (ascending). For this is now the question, requires an answer and action is to be taken. But then this is only one step, after one finds that no answer exists, yet still another step is to create (creation) the answer. For then the answer is given and you will see your purpose as though a image.

Cancer answer radio show replay Oct 8- Cancer Answer 9:30-10am pst

Join cancer survivor and host Arnie Levine for a show of inspiration and encouragement about cancer related topics that can give guidance on related subjects.1.       Intro: Cancer answer show is about cancer related topics on how to survive and on how your family will survive.How to get answers and a discussion on how to deal with treatments side effects.2.       my personal biography as a cancer survivor 3 times first being staged four3.       *Topics, with Nutrition vs conventional chemo treatments,4.       my experiment:  To find out if the high alkaline diet n raw diet known as the Gershon diet Therapy For Cancer diet. Vs chemo.5.       To discuss if I relapse from my cancer non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and to experiment on my personal treatment testing the Gershon diet if it works by monitoring via blood tests and CAT scan test.6.       Medical marijuana and chemotherapy.7.       To advise as if there is no tomorrow and how to live as there is many tomorrows. To discussing the fear on what you don't know may happen next.8.       How I'm being on spiritual path effects myself and why I'm still here alive as a survivor.

I’m going to this Meetup. Want to join me?Join me at Believe it or not, Illusions of meaning hidden. I think, I do on Aug 9 at 5:00 PM: http://meetu.ps/26xnZv

Please click the date for the show and you will go to the live broadcast if past it will be a replay.

July 19 sunday- Kabbalah 6-6:30pm pst  replayAug 9-Kabbalah 6-6:30pm pst Aug 13-Cancer Answer 9:30-10am pstSept 10-Cancer Answer 9:30-10am pstSept 20- Kabbalah 6-6:30pm pstOct 8- Cancer Answer 9:30-10am pstOct 11-Kabbalah 6-6:30pm pstNov 12-Cancer Answer 9:30-10am pstNov 15- Kabbalah 6-6:30pm PstDec 10-Cancer Answer 9:30-10am pstDec 13-Kabbalah 6-6:30pm pst

 Or if you would like to join me at the next live broadcast

Visit us on Sunday at 5:00 PM-7pm: click here for directions and more information http://meetu.ps/26xnZv