July 19, 2019

Dear Mr. Levine,

Thank you for contacting me to express your support forfunding cancer research and prevention programs. 


Cancer touches so many lives across our state and our nation.More than 1.4 million Californians who are alive today have a history ofcancer. While cancer incidence and mortality rates have declined over the pastthree decades, the disease still accounts for one out of every four deaths inCalifornia. We owe it to patients, survivors, and those who love and care forpeople with cancer to deepen our understanding of the disease and relentlessly pursuecures for all types of cancer.


As your senator, I will continue to fight for robust fundingfor medical research so we can better diagnose, treat, and cure cancer. I was proudto vote for the Fiscal Year 2019 Department of Defense and Labor, Health andHuman Services, and Education Appropriations Act, which the President signedinto law in September 2018. The bill increased previous funding levels by $2billion for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), our nation’s foremostmedical research center. This included a substantial funding boost for theNational Cancer Institute (NCI) to continue leading efforts to improve cancerprevention, detection, diagnosis, and survivorship. I have also cosponsored theRemoving Barriers to Colorectal Cancer Screening Act, which fixes a discrepancyin Medicare coverage of colorectal cancer screenings to protect patients fromunanticipated medical bills. As we move forward, I will continue to work towardour shared mission to fight cancer and help all Americans live longer andhealthier lives. 


As part of our fight against cancer, we must also ensurethat all people have access to affordable, comprehensive health care.Preventative care, early diagnosis, and high-quality treatment are critical toincreasing quality of life and survivorship rates for cancer patients. For thisreason, I will continue to protect and improve the Affordable Care Act (ACA),which expanded health care coverage and prohibited insurance companies fromdiscriminating against people with pre-existing conditions. While thisadministration has repeatedly attempted to weaken the crucial protections ofthe ACA, I will not stop fighting for policies that guarantee all people,including cancer patients, have access to the care they need. Together, we willstrive for a healthier future.


If you have any questions or concerns, please contact myWashington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3553.


Kamala D. Harris
United States Senator